St. Kilian's Community School, Ballywaltrim, Bray

Entrance Assessment Day 2024

Tue, Jan 16th, 2024

January 16th 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for enrolling your son/daughter as a First Year student at St. Kilian’s for the 2024-2025 school year. The next stage of the enrolment process is the Entrance Assessment morning, details of which are as follows:

  • The assessments will take place on Saturday, January 27th, in line with all other local schools.
  • The first assessment will start at 9.30am (sharp) and everything will be completed at approximately 12.30pm.
  • Pencils will be provided and your son/daughter does not need to bring any equipment.
  • St Kilian’s is currently talking with all of the primary schools, to ensure that we are fully aware of any additional needs that the students may have.
  • There will be a short break halfway through the assessments; water and snacks will be available for students who would like them.
  • The school uses an App called Compass and you are being sent information on how to register.
  • A €60 Registration Fee is now payable through Compass. You are being sent details on how to do this.
  • The Registration Fee covers the cost of the Locker, Journal and Insurance, among other things.
  • Note: The results from the Assessments provide baseline data to help the school to build a picture about your son/daughter so that they can be supported as well as possible in the years ahead.
  • There will be an Information Meeting for Parents/Guardians of Incoming First Years on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th. You will be contacted with more details closer to the time.


Please contact the school (01-2828126) if you require further clarification of the above or other matters or if, for some reason your son/daughter cannot attend on January 27th.

Yours sincerely,


John Murphy, Principal.

More news:

State Examinations 2024

4 Jun

Very best wishes to our Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Junior Cycle students over the coming days and weeks! Thank you to your families, teachers and school staff who have prepared and supported you so well. Remember, we are here if you need us over the next while.
Do your best and look after one another!

TY Parents' and Guardians' Night 2024

30 May

Another very successful Transition Year was brought to a close with the annual TY night for parents and guardians on May 30th. Students made presentations outlining the many fantastic experiences they had throughout the year, including the musical, the Killary and Belfast trips, work experience and a wide range of other activities. There was also time for lots of awards and for the students' portfolios to be viewed by all the guests. The evening was a great celebration of all the growing up and maturing that had taken place throughout the year. Best wishes to all of these fine students in their Senior Cycle.

6th Year Graduation 2024

23 May

The 6th Years had their night in the spotlight on the evening of Thursday, May 23rd at the school's sports hall.
This year's graduating class had 'Like a butterfly, their wings unfolded....' as their theme. It was a very special night of reminiscing and celebrating and wishing this fine group of young people the very best in their future lives. Everyone joined with their Year Head, Mr. Enda Forde, in expressing great pride in the Class of 2024.

Music & Culture Week 2024

26 Jan

This year's Music and Culture Week, from January 22nd to 26th, had a full programme of musical, dance and art activities. Highlights of the week included performances by the Garda Band and a performance of a Bach cantata, which is part of the Leaving Cert music curriculum. This recital, featuring a group of professional singers and musicians, including past-pupil Ross Scanlon, was attended by senior music students from other local schools and was a tremendous success. Everyone was also wowed by an excellent art exhibition, featuring the work of current and past-pupils.

Multicultural Day 2024

26 Jan

This year's Multicultural Day was held on Friday, January 26th and had a range of events including Brazilian Capoeira and African Drumming workshops. As in other years, the centrepiece of the day was a major food fair with, and this year forty families, representing twenty-three different nationalities and cultures, were involved.

Entrance Assessment Day 2024

16 Jan

The Assessment Day for incoming First Year students for the 2024-2025 will take place on Saturday morning, January 27th, at the school.
Parents/Guardians are advised to check their emails for full details.

Beannachtaí na Nollag

22 Dec

Every good wish to all of our students and former students, to their families and to all of our friends for Christmas and New Year.
We hope that you will all stay safe and well over the Christmas period, and that you will find time to relax and spend time with your loved ones.
Best wishes to everyone for health and happiness in 2024.
School reopens on Monday, January 8th 2024.

College & Careers Awareness Week 2023

8 Dec

The school held another very worthwhile and successful College & Careers Awareness Week from December 4th to 9th.
Like in other recent years, there was a strong emphasis on involving past-pupils; those currently attending third-level colleges along with others who have gone on to pursue a variety of careers in the worlds of business and industry.

Junior Cycle Results 2023

18 Oct

The Junior Cycle results for 2023 were issued today, Wednesday, October 18th. Congratulations to all of the students involved and their teachers and SNAs on some excellent results!

Wellbeing Week 2023

15 Oct

The school's Wellbeing Week takes place from Monday to Friday, October 16th to 20th. There is a wide range of activities for all year groups including Yoga and Meditation, as well as workshops with Shout Out and Zeeko and a Tony 10 talk. The week culminates with a First Year bonding trip to Avondale.