St. Kilian's Community School, Ballywaltrim, Bray

Power2Progress Mock Trial

Fri, Mar 3rd, 2023

Power2Progress Mock Trial

Sixth Year students in St. Kilian’s Community School had a fantastic opportunity to participate in a mock trial organized by Zurich Insurance as part of the Power 2 Progress (University College Dublin) programme last Friday.
A big shout out to the students who volunteered to role play as barristers, solicitors, registrar, defendant, witnesses, jury panelists, court artist, court reporter and court security officer in this mock criminal trial.
A very big thank you to John Sheehy who coached both the prosecuting and defending legal teams on how to conduct the trial and to Louise Beirne who role played as Judge and along with Eva Andersson MSc ACII provided advice and guidance to all the volunteers on how the court system operates and what their roles were in this mock trial.
This was a really insightful and fun experience for the students. Students really got an insight into the workings of a court and the challenges that arise for the legal teams in a real court sitting. The barristers had to react and think on their feet, the witnesses gave conflicting evidence, the defendant was brilliant as the blameless victim wrongfully charged and could have a career in acting! Unfortunately for her the Jury returned a verdict of Guilty as Charged!
A very big thank you to John, Louise and Eva also shared their own career journeys. It was really helpful for students who are currently planning their next step. It was very much appreciated by the students
A big thanks also to the teaching staff in St Kilian’s who facilitated the students attending this event.

#careerexperience #mocktrial #power2progress #educationalequality

More news:

Junior Cycle Results 2024

8 Oct

The Junior Cycle results will be issued tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th.
The arrangements for the distribution of the results are attached.

Enrolments 2025-2026

1 Oct

St Kilian's CS is now accepting applications for school places in 1st Year, 2025-2026.
The Admission Notice and Application Form (Part 1) are attached.
The closing date for applications is Friday, October 25th.

Student Council 2024-2025

13 Sep

St Kilian's Community School has an energetic, engaged and extremely effective Student Council that provides great leadership to the student body and ensures that Student Voice is to the fore on all important matters.
The Student Council for 2024-2025 has been elected and details are attached.
Best wishes to them in all of their endeavours in the year ahead.

Start-of-Year Newsletter, August 30th 2024

30 Aug

At the end of a very busy and enjoyable first week of the new school year, attached you will find a newsletter sharing some key information with you.

Leaving Certificate and LCA Results 2024

19 Aug

The Leaving Cert and LCA results will be issued on Friday, August 23rd. Students can access their results through the Student Portal from 10.00am and all students are welcome to visit the school from that time too.
Key school staff will be there to support you on this important day.
Best of luck to everyone involved!

Return to School 2024-2025

16 Aug

A very warm welcome back to school to all of our students! A special welcome to our new 1st Years and to the many new students who have transferred into other Year Groups.

Full details of Induction Days are attached and were also sent to all families through Compass earlier in the summer.

Good luck, Daina!!!

1 Jul

Congratulations and best wishes to past-pupil, Daina Moorehouse, on her selection to represent Ireland in boxing (flyweight division) at the Paris Olympics.

Best wishes from everyone at St Kilian's - we are so very proud of you, Daina!

State Examinations 2024

4 Jun

Very best wishes to our Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Junior Cycle students over the coming days and weeks! Thank you to your families, teachers and school staff who have prepared and supported you so well. Remember, we are here if you need us over the next while.
Do your best and look after one another!

TY Parents' and Guardians' Night 2024

30 May

Another very successful Transition Year was brought to a close with the annual TY night for parents and guardians on May 30th. Students made presentations outlining the many fantastic experiences they had throughout the year, including the musical, the Killary and Belfast trips, work experience and a wide range of other activities. There was also time for lots of awards and for the students' portfolios to be viewed by all the guests. The evening was a great celebration of all the growing up and maturing that had taken place throughout the year. Best wishes to all of these fine students in their Senior Cycle.

6th Year Graduation 2024

23 May

The 6th Years had their night in the spotlight on the evening of Thursday, May 23rd at the school's sports hall.
This year's graduating class had 'Like a butterfly, their wings unfolded....' as their theme. It was a very special night of reminiscing and celebrating and wishing this fine group of young people the very best in their future lives. Everyone joined with their Year Head, Mr. Enda Forde, in expressing great pride in the Class of 2024.