St. Kilian's Community School, Ballywaltrim, Bray

Home School Community Liaison (HSCL)

The school has a full-time Home School Community Liaison teacher. The HSCL teacher acts as a link between the school, students' homes, neighbouring schools and local agencies and services.

The HSCL teacher promotes initiatives and activities which encourage parents and guardians to become more involved in their children's education. Parents and guardians are encouraged to get involved in local committees, and to attend courses and information meetings. Activities include:

  • Parenting Workshops
  • UCD Parent Trips
  • Student Progress Meetings
  • Study Skills Seminars
  • Christmas Crafts
  • Paired Reading (JCSP)
  • Story Sacks (JCSP)
  • Maths for Fun
  • Parents' Book Club
  • Leisure and Sporting activities

The HSCL teacher also provides general advice and support for families.

In cases of poor student attendance, the HSCL teacher works closely with the Year Heads, the School Completion Team and the Education Welfare Officer to support families in addressing the problem.

The HSCL teacher, Ms Izzy Fox may be contacted at and (086)7008999.

St Kilian's CS HSCL Year Plan 13-14